Use SMS with Zapier.

Our SMS can now be used with Zapier to quickly add SMS messaging, phone number validation and One Time Codes to any existing system.
The following triggers are available on Zapier to start a Zap:
- Receive an SMS
- Receive a receipt for an SMS send
Let us know
The Zapier triggers only work for you once we have enabled polling support for your username. Contact us and let us know you want to use Zapier for inbounds and we can enable this for you.
The following actions are available to add messaging to your Zapier automations:
- Send an SMS
- Send a One Time Code
- Validate a One Time Code
- Validate a mobile number
Get started
To get started:
- Sign up to
- Use this link to accept the invite to use Zapier.
- Add a new Zap.
- Select a trigger source of your choosing, for example, Comapi, Trello, HubSpot.
- Select Comapi or another system for the action.
- Select your specific action, for example, Send SMS message.
- Complete the required fields.
- Test your Zap.
You must ensure your account has been enabled for inbounds and you have a pending inbound SMS before testing.
Updated 8 months ago