Partner integration guide


This guide will provide the reader with an understanding of the integration capabilities of the Enterprise
Communications Partner / Reseller Services with partner systems, to allow the automation of account and
user provisioning, and impersonation of users.


Reseller / Partners services access

In order to use the partner/reseller service, you need to have a registered user, a partner/reseller account and the correct permissions to access the reseller services.

Integration Options

We offer extensive integration options to allow powerful and flexible solutions to be created with minimum
time and effort. We utilise industry standard protocols, encoding schemes and security to ensure easy
adoption across multiple platforms and languages.

The following diagram illustrates the typical topology of the solution when integrating us with a partner/resellers
system. It is assumed the integrating system can:

  • handle authentication and login of their users and create JWTs
  • call REST services
  • receive JSON notifications via HTTPS
  • store and report on data receive

Solution functional points:

Some of the key functional points shown in the integration topology above are:

  • Reseller’s system handles authentication of users
  • Reseller Services API is used to create accounts and users to match reseller’s customers
  • Our APIs are accessed using a user impersonation JWT, which allows a reseller to impersonate its accounts
  • Messaging sent in batches where possible to maximise throughput
  • Receipts and any inbound messages are forwarded asynchronously (pushed) back to the integrating
    system via our webhooks system .

In the following sections we explore in more detail the individual components used when integrating partner systems with us.

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