Multi-part messages

The Enterprise Communications API can send multi-part messages to any channel. You can add images, files, and any other MIME type attachment to your messages.

Create a multi-part message

You don’t need to specify a body property in your call to the API, as you specify the message content using the messageParts property. The messageParts property should contain an array of the parts you want to use to create your message.


Choose your message content source

The API uses either a body property or messageParts property to create your message content but not both. Any custom bodies that have been defined override the message parts for that channel.

Part 1: Text for the message

The first part in your array is used for the text in your message, and so is usually the MIME type text/plain. It can be text/html, but this only works with channels that support HTML.

Additional parts

You can add any number of additional parts to your call of any valid MIME type; common uses include adding images and files. The data for the parts can be defined either inline in the data property or in a URL in the url property.

If you have large files we recommend using the URL option and, if necessary, uploading the files to our content hosting service to obtain a URL for accessing the file.

Attachments using URLs

When attaching a file using a URL in the message part, you must ensure that the following properties are populated and no others, as we calculate the name and size from the file at the URL:

  • type
  • url

Attachments using Base64

When attaching a file using a Base64 data string in the message part, you must ensure the following properties are populated and no others, so we’re able to understand what the file should look like:

  • name
  • type
  • data
  • size (Optional)

messageParts structure

The messageParts property is an array of messagePart as defined below:


name*stringThe name of your part, usually the file name
type*stringThe MIME type for the part, for example, image/png.
channelsarray of stringIf specified, this message part is only applied to the list of channels in this array. This is a list of channel identifier strings, for example, SMS, WhatsApp.
urlstringThe URL to the file data.

If this isn't specified then the data property must be specified.
datastringThe base64 encoded data for the file.

If this isn't specified then the url property must be specified.
sizeintThe size in bytes of the data for the message part. This is optional.


Choose URL or base64 data

You must choose to get your file data from either a URL or inline using base64 encoded data, but not both.


  "title": "Your order has been dispatched",
  "to": {
    "email": ""
  "rules": [
  "messageParts": [
      "name": "Body html",
      "type": "text/html",
      "data": "<h2>Item Repaired</h2><p>Your return number: <b>ABC1245</b> has been repaired and is being retuned to you</p>"
      "type": "image/png",
      "url": ""
  "metadata": {
    "data": "My correlation data"
  "title": "Your order has been dispatched",
  "to": {
    "email": ""
  "rules": [
  "messageParts": [
      "name": "Body html",
      "type": "text/html",
      "data": "<h2>Item Repaired</h2><p>Your return number: <b>ABC1245</b> has been repaired and is being retuned to you</p>"
      "name": "image.png",
      "type": "image/png",
      "data": "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"
  "metadata": {
    "data": "My correlation data"
  "title": "Your order has been dispatched",
  "to": {
    "phoneNumber": "447123123123"
  "rules": [
  "messageParts": [
      "name": "Body text",
      "type": "text/plain",
      "data": "Your order: ABC1245 has been dispatched."
      "type": "image/png",
      "url": ""
  "metadata": {
    "data": "My correlation data"
  "title": "Your order has been dispatched",
  "to": {
    "phoneNumber": "447123123123"
  "rules": [
  "messageParts": [
      "channels": [
      "type": "whatsapp/hsm",
      "data": {
        "namespace": "ce0464f9_3d87_fb42_b0d7_d7651ab3337a",
        "templateName": "dispatch_confirmation",
        "languageCode": "en",
        "parameters": [
            "default": "{{profile.forename}}"
            "default": "1234"
      "channels": [
      "name": "Body text",
      "type": "text/plain",
      "data": "Your order: ABC1245 has been dispatched."
      "channels": [
      "type": "image/png",
      "url": ""
  "metadata": {
    "data": "My correlation data"