App messaging

Channel identifier

In the API this channel can be referenced using: appMessaging.

This identifier can be used in the rules array, and customBody sections.

Send messages

To send in-app messages using the Enterprise Communications API you must ensure that in your rules or ruleSet you include the appMessaging channel.

Address your messages

To target who an app messaging message is delivered to, include a profileId in the to section of the request.


Messages are grouped together by a conversationId into conversations. If you don't specify a conversationId on a send, a unique one is automatically assigned, starting a new conversation. If you reference an existing conversationId then the new message is appended to that conversation.

  "body": "App Messaging send from Comapi",
  "to": {
    "profileId": ""
  "rules": [
  "body": "App Messaging send from Comapi",
  "to": {
    "profileId": ""
  "conversationId": "",
  "rules": [
  "to": {
    "profileId": ""
  "channelOptions": {
    "appMessaging": {
      "from": {
        "profileId": "Acme-Support",
        "name": "Support"
  "conversationId": " Support",
  "rules": [
  "messageParts": [
      "type": "application/json",
      "data": "{\r\n\"myData1\": \"My custom data 1\",\r\n\"moreMyDate\": \"Put what you like in here\"\r\n}"

Send messages compatible with Chat

If you would like to send messages using the Enterprise Communications API into the web widget or chat SDK, this requires specific sender profile IDs and conversation IDs to work.

Chat compatible conversation ID

The conversation ID must be structured as follows:

{Team name}_{Profile Id}

The team name is the Chat team name you want to send from, for example, Customer Services, with any spaces replaced by , so for _Customer Services it would be Customer_Services.

The profile ID is the user’s profile ID with any spaces replaced with a _ , so a complete conversation ID for a chat between Customer Services and would be:

Chat compatible team profile ID

All Chat SDK compatible conversations have only 2 participants; the chat team and the end customer. To ensure that messages you send through the Enterprise Communications API are seen as sent from a Chat team you must specify the optional channelOptions section specifying that the message is from the correct profile ID for the chat team you are sending on behalf of.

The profileId must be structured as follows:

TEAM\{Team name}

The team name is the Chat team name you want to send from, for example, Customer Services, with any spaces replaced by , so for _Customer Services it would be Customer_Services:


Example of a Chat compatible send:

  "body": "Test from Comapi",
  "to": {
    "profileId": "anon_1dae9f4e-23a2-4b1e-9bdd-03490c2133b3"
  "channelOptions": {
    "appMessaging": {
      "from": {
        "profileId": "Team\\Customer_Services",
        "name": "Customer Services"
  "conversationId": "Customer_Services_anon_1dae9f4e-23a2-4b1e-9bdd-03490c2133b3",
  "rules": [

Channel options

The following additional channel options can be used to control the App Messaging channel’s most common options.

To use the channel options, create an object with your options in the requests channelOptions section in the appMessaging property:

fromfrom objectThe profile ID the message is being sent from. If not set, the profile ID from the access token is used.

from object.

profileId*stringThe profile ID the message is being sent from. If not set, the profile ID from the access token is used.
namestringThe name to display to the user
  "body": "How can we help you today?",
  "to": {
    "profileId": ""
  "channelOptions": {
    "appMessaging": {
      	"profileId": "Acme-Support",
      	"name": "Support"
  "conversationId": " Support",
  "rules": [

Custom body

The Comapi Enterprise Communications API automatically creates a text based App Messaging message if you only define the body property when sending a message, but you can specify advanced options if you use the customBody property and define a appMessaging object within it using the details below:

fromfrom objectWho the message is being sent from.
metadataobjectAny JSON metadata you want to send with the message, useful for driving custom experiences.
parts*array of messagePartThe parts that form your message; the content.
alertmessageAlert objectDetails of the alert to be displayed on receipt of the message.

from object

profileId*stringThe profile ID the message is being sent from. If not set, the profile ID from the access token is used.
namestringThe name to display to the user.

messagePart object

data*stringString representation of the message part. For non-text MIME types, use base64.
typestringThe MIME type (if applicable) of the part.
namestringA name for the part.
urlstringA URL associated with the message part.
sizeintegerSize of the message part in bytes.

messageAlert object

titlestringTitle for the notification to send to all platforms.
This is ignored if any details are set in platforms.
bodystringBody for the notification to send to all platforms.
This is ignored if any details are set in platforms.
platformsmessageAlertPlatforms objectThe platform specific details for the alert. If specified, these are set verbatim and alert.title/alert.body values are ignored.


apnsmessageAlertApns objectThe APNS native channel push message specific details.
fcmmessageAlertFcm objectThe FCM native channel push message specific details.


badgeintegerThe value to display on the application badge.
soundobjectThe sound file to play on the device when the notification arrived.
alertstringThe alert to display on the device when the notification arrives.
payloadobjectThe payload to send to the device.


collapse_keyobjectThe collapse key to send to FCM.
dataobjectThe payload to send to the device.
notificationmessageAlertFcmNotification objectDetails of the notification to display.


titlestringThe title to display.
bodystringThe body to display.
iconstringThe icon to display.

Examples of sends using custom bodies:

  "body": "App Messaging send from Comapi",
  "to": {
    "profileId": ""
  "conversationId": " Support",
  "customBody": {
    "appMessaging": {
      "from": "Acme Corp",
      "alert": {
        "title": "Acme Support Update",
        "body": "You have a new message on your support ticket, click here to read it"
      "parts": [
          "type": "text/plain",
          "data": "Your item has arrived and your account has been credited $50.00"
  "rules": [


customBody and channelOptions

It's not possible to define a customBody and channelOptions together in a single request, as we won’t know which settings to use, so either use the universal send with channelOptions or define everything using a customBody.

Receipts and inbounds

Inbound messages

Allows you to receive App Messaging messages sent. Messages are delivered to a URL of your choosing using the webhook system.


If you need to to know the status of messages you've sent using one of our Enterprise Communications APIs, you can request that delivery receipts are forwarded to a URL of your choosing using the webhook system.

You can receive the following types of receipts:

  • Sent
  • Delivered
  • Read
  • Failed