Messaging services


Create conversation

CMPRoleAttributes *ownerAttributes = [[CMPRoleAttributes alloc] initWithCanSend:YES canAddParticipants:YES canRemoveParticipants:YES];

CMPRoleAttributes *participantAttributes = [[CMPRoleAttributes alloc] initWithCanSend:YES canAddParticipants:NO canRemoveParticipants:NO];

// defines permissions to be applied to conversation
CMPRoles *roles = [[CMPRoles alloc] initWithOwnerAttributes:ownerAttributes participantAttributes:participantAttributes];

CMPConversationParticipant *owner = [[CMPConversationParticipant alloc] initWithID:profileID role:@"owner"];

CMPNewConversation *newConversation = [[CMPNewConversation alloc] initWithID:@"{id}" name:@"{name}" description:@"{description}" roles:roles participants:@[owner] isPublic:@(NO)];

[ addConversation:newConversation completion:^(CMPChatResult<CMPConversation *> *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

Update conversation

CMPConversationUpdate *update = [[CMPConversationUpdate alloc] initWithID:@"{id}" name:@"{name}" description:@"{description}" roles:roles isPublic:@(NO)];

[ updateConversation:@"{id}" eTag:nil conversation:update completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

Delete conversation

[ deleteConversation:@"{id}" eTag:nil completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success


Get participants

[ getParticipants:@"{id}" participantIDs:@[@"{id1}", @"{id2}"] completion:^(NSArray<CMPChatParticipant *> *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

Add participants

NSArray<CMPConversationParticipant *> *participants = @[[[CMPConversationParticipant alloc] initWithID:@"@{id1}" role:@"{role}"], [[CMPConversationParticipant alloc] initWithID:@"@{id2}" role:@"{role}"]];

[ addParticipants:@"{id}" participants:participants completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
    		// error occurred
    } else {
      	// success

Remove participants

[ removeParticipants:@"{id}" participants:participants completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

Set participant typing

[ participantIsTyping:@"{conversationId}" isTyping:true completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success


Send message

CMPMessagePart *part = [[CMPMessagePart alloc] initWithName:@"{name}" type:@"{type}" url:nil data:@"{data}" size:@(123)];

CMPMessageAlert *alert = [[CMPMessageAlert alloc] initWithPlatforms:[[CMPMessageAlertPlatforms alloc] initWithApns:@{} fcm:@{}]];
CMPSendableMessage *message = [[CMPSendableMessage alloc] initWithMetadata:@{} parts:@[part] alert:alert];

[ sendMessage:@"{id}" message:message completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

Send message with attachments

ContentData *dataFromUrl = [[ContentData alloc] initWithUrl:url type:@"type" name:@"name"];

CMPChatAttachment *attachment = [[CMPChatAttachment alloc] initWithContentData:dataFromUrl folder:@"folder"];

[ sendMessage:@"{id}" message:message attachments:@[attachment] completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

Mark message as read

[ markMessagesAsRead:@"{id}" messageIDs:@[@"{id1}", @"{id2}"] completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

Synchronise local store

The local data synchronisation is called by the SDK on a regular basis, but can be triggered manually as well.

Local store synchronisation updates conversations and messages.

[ synchroniseStore:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success

You can also update message data for a single conversation:

[ synchroniseConversation:@"{id}" completion:^(CMPChatResult *result) {
    if (result.error) {
        // error occurred
    } else {
        // success